kimba001-500Kimba – De Liemers Rafa

De Liemers Rafa HD and ED Certificate

Deliemers Rafa Registration Certificate


Kimba is Bond’s lookalike daughter – the resemblance in real life is uncanny even if it is not always apparent in photographs.  It certainly accounts for the very special place that she has in my heart.  Kimba is the big mouth at home – always has lots to say and likes barking her head off if anybody dares get too much attention!  Once when we still thought that it was necessary to show our dogs, I decided to take Miss Muffet – she is a beauty after all!  Well – when it was her turn to show herself off in the show ring she decided that she would have none of that and that she didn’t need any of that!  And she was quite right – I don’t need a piece of paper from anybody to know what I have in this very special girl!  She was very ill as a puppy and it is a miracle that she ever survived – I suppose the bond that we built up in that time plays a huge part in my affection for my Kimba!  Her daughter with Oscar is called Capris and is our up and coming star.

Below you  can see a pic of Kimba’s son with Maverick – Jackson was an only child and lives with Andre Viljoen in Umhlanga – no longer the only child though – he has to share stuff these days with a wire haired terrier whom he adores by all accounts!
