Just had a call (again), from somebody wanting to use one of my Stud Dogs on his unregistered bitch…The same person who didn’t want to pay the price and bought an unregistered puppy that has turned out, according to him, beautifully and HAS TO HAVE A LITTER!
NO SIR!! You cannot use my exceptionally beautiful dog – ever – not even in your wildest dreams! And not only because KUSA says so – (Because you will be unceremoniously banned from KUSA should you be caught breeding Unregistered Dogs) – but because this is 2016 and things should be done properly – The standards everywhere are slipping and we all complain about it all day – and then we allow our dogs to have puppies that are not registered.
EISH people!! Anybody can be a Rottweiler Breeder ok – ANYBODY!! You don’t have to be very special or talented or exceptionally intelligent – you just need to have a pen to fill in the form that KUSA will send you with pleasure. Once you have bought the puppy from that guy that gave you the option of registering or not registering the puppy then you are up s#*t creek without a paddle – Sorry for you!
It costs exactly R283-80 to register a puppy – not the thousands that all these clowns claim it costs. Shall I tell you why they don’t register the puppies? Firstly, they haven’t had the Hips and Elbows of the Sire and Dam scanned – (Presuming the parents are in fact registered which most of them lie about) – this costs a whopping R1900-00 for those of you who have your calculators out to see how much money you are going to make Breeding Rottweilers. Alternatively, they have had the Hips and Elbows scanned but the dogs failed the test and they bred them anyway!
The requirements for breeding a KUSA Registered Rottweiler are as follows:
- Both the Sire and the Dam must be Registered with KUSA, and must be registered in your name or the name of the owner of the male if you are using an outside stud.
- The Sire can have his Hips and Elbows scanned at 18 months and may breed at 18 months and one day old.
- The Dam can be scanned any time from 18 months onwards, but she must be 22 months old on the day that her first litter is born – if she falls short of this date, the litter will not be registered.
- Both the Dam and the Sire must have passing Hip and Elbow scores.
- You may not breed family – Mother and Son – Father and Daughter – Brother and Sister.
- The litter takes on the Kennel name of the owner of the Dam.
MICROCHIPS – How do they work??
Microchips are not tracking devices (although I wish they were and I have heard of similar gadgets, but those are not what we are discussing here).
Microchips are inserted under the skin of the puppy before it goes to its new home – The microchip number is registered with KUSA as part of the registration process. Puppies cannot be registered without microchips. The microchip number appears on the KUSA Registration Certificate of the puppy.
The Microchip is for POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION – Mostly for the day the dog goes for scanning of his Hips and Elbows – so that you cannot take your neighbour’s dog and present him instead because you think he is bigger or better! The Xray results are attached to that specific Microchip number and so the results become a part of the dog’s pedigree and nobody can change those details once they are submitted.
Microchips are also scanned should you enter your dog in a Specialist Rottweiler Show – once again for POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION – So that we don’t have people running around the ring with their neighbour’s dog and selling his services for Stud haha – Ja – you must watch out for these Dog Breeders – Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Alle Grappies op ‘n Stokkie ( I keep forgetting that I said I would include my very best Afrikaans in this website) – Microchips only actually work if they are registered with a data bank. So all these wonderful organisations microchipping dogs on every street corner are actually wasting your time because the number is not registered anywhere – sure he has a microchip – a useless computer chip with no information on it! Rescue organisations and SPCA can only trace dogs that have microchips that are registered somewhere – otherwise it is just a number – It is not magical, somebody has to fill in a form somewhere for it to work!
If your dog is not registered he or she can still have a microchip – Just make sure that they data is sent to the Microchip Company – Your vet can do this for you (But I would check the paperwork anyway!)
This brings me back to why I insist on selling puppies with no Breed Restrictions. Breed Restrictions will not ever stop backyard breeding – They might stop your sworn enemy ( And we have LOTS of those in the Dog World) from using “Your” precious bloodline, but instead your precious bloodline could end up being sold on the side of the road on the way to the East Rand Mall. My Motto has always been that I would much rather help people (who are going to breed anyway) to do the right thing – I just know that is the right thing to do. Puppies are guaranteed to have a microchip which helps so much if and when they are lost, and people are more inclined to take better care of the litter if they have some financial value – because let’s face it, Registered and Unregistered dogs and puppies eat exactly the same amount of food and require exactly the same amount of vaccinations and care – so why not just do it properly?